Thursday, October 6, 2011

Get Inspired, Be Innovative

Today I learned that Steve Jobs died. As a citizen and businessman, he led an inspiring life (which is putting it mildly because in all honesty, the man changed the world!)

In honor of Steve Jobs, his genius imagination and his propensity for new ideas I would like to share some little corners of the World Wide Web that have inspired me to think bigger.

  • This guy can be crude but also funny and spot on with his advice - here is a post he did on Steve Jobs
  • is an online pinboard, "where you can collect the things you love."  If you see something you like while surfing the web (DIY, Recipes, Fashion, Articles, Quotes etc) , you can pin it, file it, and have a place to refer back to when you are out of ideas. Added bonus it that you get to take a peek at what everyone else is interested in too.
  •  For the DIY Home renovator - check out Young House Love. Great projects, with fantastic directions and pictures. 

Do you have a website that you go to for inspiration or advice. I would love to know!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I don't know what it is about this fella' -- but he makes me swoon. Perhaps it is because he was so beautiful in "Across the Universe," which is one of my top ten favorite movies.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

For those who are raising GIRLS!

What a coincidence!
My sister-in-law, Sarah, sent me this article a few weeks ago - 'How to Talk to Little Girls, by Lisa Bloom. and then it was posted on one of my favorite Blogs!

The article is about how we talk to little girls, and how it would be better for them if we refrained from complimenting or focusing their looks, and instead talked about books. or bugs. or any other interest they might have.

Brian and I thought it was a great article and we chatted about it for a while. It was an especially HOT topic since we are expecting to have a girl, and we want her to be strong, smart, adventurous and confident (that isn't wayyy to much to ask, is it?!).        

We are definitely going to try and follow Lisa Bloom's advice. I think we will need all the good advice and help we can get.
How did these women grow up to be so amazing?

 Amelia Earhart

 Jane Goodall

Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, July 29, 2011


I was perusing some of my favorite blogs and I found two super cute things I want to share. 

First, Isn't this sweater adorable? (Future) Baby Elizabeth would look so cute in this sweater on her first trip to Maine!
I found it via the blog Nursery Notations it can be purchased online at Marie-Chantal.

Second, check out these tatoos! (Featured on the blog A Cup of Jo) I have never had the courage or passion to get a real tattoo, but I looove temporary tats. These are rad.

I hope you enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Bump!

                                           Here it is, the ever growing bump courtesy of Elizabeth. <3

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fun T-Shirt, Great Gift!

Do you have a person in your life who likes to ride their bike? Trying to convince someone to ride their bike more often?

Well, on their next birthday, you should buy them this t-shirt, it can be found at and it's only twenty bucks!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Improv Everywhere

One of my favorite bloggers is Katie Sokoler, who is also the offficial photographer of a group called Improv Everywhere.  They are a fun group! I like them because they are a 'prank collective that causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places.'  I would LOVE to be a part of their group!
Here are two of my favorite Improv Acts they put together: 

1. One of the actors pretended to get lost at a Knicks game. And what is funny, is how involved the fans became in his dilemma! Read the behind the scenes story here.

2. Recently they did a fun musical at the Gel Conference in NY. The song is a parody on how we overshare on the internet. Hee hee. it's so true!

A bit of THis and ThAt

Hello Friends!

Check it out, I am trying to start a new bike fashion trend. It is called the Monkey Light!

There is a small circuit board with LED lights that attach to your bike spokes. And when your wheel turns, it becomes a beautiful light display. Not to mention, you become very visible in the dark - which is why I want everyone to have one! Find them here:

I have been having so much fun riding at night!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hello Friends! I am so sorry for my absence of late. I guess I should explain...

As you know from my last post, I was feeling very lovey dovey in February. By the end of the month, however, I started to spend more of my time like this :

sick sick sick

And as time went on I felt like doing this every day at work:


And THEN, every time I got dressed I felt like I should wear this shirt:

Well, as you might have already guessed, all of these new feelings only lead to one thing. In 7 months Brian and I are going to have one of these!!!

And we couldn't be happier. <3

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's February!

I have to be honest, reading all of that teen romance has put me in a romantic mood and I find myself wanting to hug Brian a bit tighter these days. Thank goodness it's February and I can have an excuse to bring out my romantic side.

So, in honor of February (and In case you need a little push to get your heart a flutter, and your mind wandering to lustful daydreams) here is another Ode to Love and kissing -- and all of it's intense emotion that makes you forget there is a world outside of it.

P.S.  If you want to give your special someone something they will cherish, consider my all time favorite romantic gift-- a love note.