Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Improv Everywhere

One of my favorite bloggers is Katie Sokoler, who is also the offficial photographer of a group called Improv Everywhere.  They are a fun group! I like them because they are a 'prank collective that causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places.'  I would LOVE to be a part of their group!
Here are two of my favorite Improv Acts they put together: 

1. One of the actors pretended to get lost at a Knicks game. And what is funny, is how involved the fans became in his dilemma! Read the behind the scenes story here.

2. Recently they did a fun musical at the Gel Conference in NY. The song is a parody on how we overshare on the internet. Hee hee. it's so true!

A bit of THis and ThAt

Hello Friends!

Check it out, I am trying to start a new bike fashion trend. It is called the Monkey Light!

There is a small circuit board with LED lights that attach to your bike spokes. And when your wheel turns, it becomes a beautiful light display. Not to mention, you become very visible in the dark - which is why I want everyone to have one! Find them here:

I have been having so much fun riding at night!