Monday, January 14, 2013

Introducing Bean!

After my last poop post, I suddenly realized, I have never introduced my daughter on this blog. (And no, I didn't think of her because of poop. ha!)

 In case you are new, I first shared the news here and then showed off my baby bump here! And now, her sweet face. I just want to kiss it!

Seriously, she is just so darn cute!


 Last year I cracked up when I saw this neighborhood stop sign:


This year, it seems the stop sign scandal has escelated! In a very funny way:
Get the poop scoop HERE.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What do YOU want to do?

This video is thought provoking; it asks: Will you spend your life doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living?  If Money weren't an object what would you do with your life?

If I am honest with myself, I have to admit that this question is very difficult to answer - for two reasons. First, I do not consider my current job, or any job I have ever had, to  be wholly emotionally gratifying or "what I enjoy doing." It is hard to admit that!

Second, the idea of doing something I love for a living is SCARY. Mostly because money is a motivator for me, a necessity... a factor. Would I have what it takes to put in the effort and hard work and give up the financial security? Do I deserve it?

If money weren't an object I would:

-Be a portrait photographer
-Write and publish a novel
-Coach a girls volleyball or softball team
-Somehow be affiliated with the "Biggest Loser", i LOVE that show!
-Stay at home with my kid(s)
-Be a dog trainer
-Enjoy the outdoors, Hike, Bike, Walk, kayak, CC Ski, etc - for a few hours a day.
-Be on the Board of  Non-Profit I believe in
-Make a movie
-Narrate audio books (lots of reading!)

What would you do?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Holidays!

It is no secret, I LOVE the holidays. The holiday spirit envelopes me every December -- it is such a magical time.

My favorite Portland holiday tradition is the "200 Tuba Christmas" where Tuba players from around the city, young and old, gather at Pioneer Courthouse Square and belt out beautiful Christmas Carols. The many onlookers, like myself, sing along and drink hot cocoa next to the City's giant Christmas tree. It is very festive and sweet. This year I felt so blessed to be able to introduce the tradition to my Daughter. She loved it and was not shy about interacting with the crowd...

I hope your Holidays are magical and merry. And in case you need a little Christmas spirit, or a laugh - here is a funny Christmas prank... that I just might have to copy!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Girl Inspiration

This girl, Sam Gordon, is such an inspiration and boy, is she fun to watch! I will be keeping an eye out for her when she hits high-school age.  Check it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I have stared in awe at this woman as she pedals by my house. You wouldn't think such a tiny woman could command that huge bike. It is so big it carries herself, a boom box belting out tunes and... wait for it.... SIX kids.  She was featured in not too long ago. Catch the story here.

I am waiting, not so patiently, in anticipation until Elizabeth's tiny head can fit into a bike helmet. We are going to ride our bikes all over the Portland... women like this make it feasible. <3

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Spring is here! Spring is here!
For many of you, this may be old news. It seems that the weather is abnormally warm everywhere except here in Portland. (I biked to work in the snow yesterday! snow!) But, I am very excited for the official arrival of spring. It means flowers, flirting, robins and skirts galore. Let me count the ways...

Baby Ducks!

Playing outside

Biking through a field of new flowers! This pic sort of cracks me up

Spring Fever

 Spotting of Puppies and New Blooms!

Those rare rain storms when the sun is shining.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

I feel like putting one of these podiums outside of my office :-)    

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Get Inspired, Be Innovative

Today I learned that Steve Jobs died. As a citizen and businessman, he led an inspiring life (which is putting it mildly because in all honesty, the man changed the world!)

In honor of Steve Jobs, his genius imagination and his propensity for new ideas I would like to share some little corners of the World Wide Web that have inspired me to think bigger.

  • This guy can be crude but also funny and spot on with his advice - here is a post he did on Steve Jobs
  • is an online pinboard, "where you can collect the things you love."  If you see something you like while surfing the web (DIY, Recipes, Fashion, Articles, Quotes etc) , you can pin it, file it, and have a place to refer back to when you are out of ideas. Added bonus it that you get to take a peek at what everyone else is interested in too.
  •  For the DIY Home renovator - check out Young House Love. Great projects, with fantastic directions and pictures. 

Do you have a website that you go to for inspiration or advice. I would love to know!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I don't know what it is about this fella' -- but he makes me swoon. Perhaps it is because he was so beautiful in "Across the Universe," which is one of my top ten favorite movies.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

For those who are raising GIRLS!

What a coincidence!
My sister-in-law, Sarah, sent me this article a few weeks ago - 'How to Talk to Little Girls, by Lisa Bloom. and then it was posted on one of my favorite Blogs!

The article is about how we talk to little girls, and how it would be better for them if we refrained from complimenting or focusing their looks, and instead talked about books. or bugs. or any other interest they might have.

Brian and I thought it was a great article and we chatted about it for a while. It was an especially HOT topic since we are expecting to have a girl, and we want her to be strong, smart, adventurous and confident (that isn't wayyy to much to ask, is it?!).        

We are definitely going to try and follow Lisa Bloom's advice. I think we will need all the good advice and help we can get.
How did these women grow up to be so amazing?

 Amelia Earhart

 Jane Goodall

Eleanor Roosevelt