Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heart Aching Love

Today is an ode to love.

 Compliments of Le Love



I live for the kind of love and passion that makes your heart ache and sing at the same moment. When your head won't stop thinking and your heart won't stop pounding.
Do you have a love story, love quote or photo to share? Email me,  I would love to be inspired by and share your love...

Monday, August 30, 2010

In Review

I <3 my life, friends, family and dog. They make me so happy. Here are a few other things that made me happy in August...courtesy of my iPet.

Kisses to my nephew!

Curious Kids

Hot Days!

New Life

New Socks!

My dearest

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Secret Desires

You may or may not know, I love love love to dance! I have never taken ballet or danced in a classroom, but many a club and concert has witnessed my booty shake. So, when flash mobs started a few years back I instantly fell in love with the idea. How could I not want to be a part of choreographed dance routines for the masses? Here are my two favorite flash mob videos. And hey - if you want to include me on your next flash mob routine, shoot me an email, I would love to join!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Today Brian runs the Hood-to-Coast Relay! The course runs 197 miles from Timberline Lodge on the slopes of Mount Hood, the tallest peak in Oregon, through Portland, and over the Oregon Coast Range to the beach town of Seaside on the Oregon Coast.

Did I mention he is on team taco?

It is a great feat! He and his 11 team mates will be running for over 24 hours. Phew! Wish him luck. <3


I ride my bike to work every day. It is only a few miles, it is a great way to get exercise, and it makes me all bright eyed and bushy tailed for the work-day. I especially love when it is summer and I do not have to worry about rain gear. I can wear tights and heals and dresses, oh my!

I often have co-workers ask me..."Did you ride your bike in that outfit?" So, when I found this list of ways to know you have a bike culture I was stoked for Number 15 which says, "Your entire wardrobe can be classified as 'cycle wear'. Especially those stilettos from Christian Louboutin or your new double-breasted trench coat from Tiger of Sweden." I ride my bike in dresses. I ride my two wheeled chariot to go out dancing. I've even ridden my bicycle to job interviews. Today, I may have shown a bit more leg than I should have...

 but that is why I wear shorts! I hope you had a great commute this morning too.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pole Dancing

I took this link from my friend, Tom. When I watched this video, complete with music, I had a smile on my face the whole time! Three athletic Indian men compete in pole dancing like you have never seen... or maybe you have, just not as a family sport. Hee Hee.

Biking Adventures

It took all of my doubt, many a hill climb, a bit of drafting and the support of an awesome husband - but I was able to complete my first century ride. When I was finished, I was very proud. I really didn't think I would be able to do it.

100 Miles, and a sore butt. <3

Not too long ago the Harrison Family passed through Portland on their five-person bike. The family started riding in August of 09' in Kentucky and has since rode 7,000 miles to Fairbanks, Alaska.  They were on the road for a year and two weeks. After my measly hundred miles, I gave a "helmet's off!" to them!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Things That Inspired Me Today

When I am too bored to do anything but procrastinate, I look for things to inspire me. If I feel inspired I get a burst of energy that propels me into productiveness! Here is what inspired me today. What inspired you?

Dreamy Musical Rabbits

The Science of Sleep - I was so relieved to find OTHER people dreamed of  having GIANT appendages.

Playful Animals

Brian's Sense of Adventure

Now that I am inspired,  I am off to count beans... See you tomorrow.    
<3 Annie Banannie