Monday, October 4, 2010


I have bruises on my hips and chain oil embedded underneath my nails. My voice is hoarse and my legs are sore. I think that put it best when they said-- "but the season’s first Cross Crusade felt a whole lot like a big ole’ family reunion."

I have been anticipating the start of Cyclocross season for weeks now. To the point where I was almost too nervous to get out there... but as soon as I saw the familiar faces and heard the ringing of cowbells, my nervoussness turned to relief - I love this.

For the next few Mondays I am going to give you a race update and feature the amazing photography from This group of photographers capture the essence of the guts and glory that I have come to adore. Check it.

Julia of Fat Cobra

 The Veledrome

I am also happy to report that I am now a part of a team. This is the inaugural season for team Fat Cobra and we are stoked. How could we not be - we are sponsored by Porn, Beer and Ice Cream sandwiches and proud of it! <3

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