Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Wowza another month of our lives has passed. And, what a great month it was! My family came for a visit, it was Halloween, I was not last place in every cyclocross race, I hung out with some wicked cool peeps, and I even made a few new friends. Thankfully, I have my iPet to document the good times. Check it.

This lil' player told me he liked me, said I was pretty, and then asked me to go to his hotel rm because he had a huge couch.

Holy Sunglasses, Batman!

I <3 the Laurelthirst Pub. I eat breakfast there often and am always shocked when people order booze before noon.

 Susan and John came to PDX and we had the BEST time

Yes, this type of corruption may send me, and my team, to the hot place.


1 comment:

Nick said...

Nice shades, dood!