Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In review!

Hooray Hooray Hooray! It is the holiday season and I am feeling joyful. Last month was awesome -- to say the least. Lot's of friends, adventures and laughs. Here are a few of my favorite November memories compliments of my iPet.

Anniversary at the Oregon Coast

 be still my heart

Friends who like to color coordinate

 Spunky Co-Workers on a fall walk.

Secret Date to watch the new Harry Potter flick <3 this was the line!

 Watching the Blazers! This is the first time I laid eyes on Dante Cunningham after I said something inappropriate to him at a bar not too long ago. awkward.

Super cool lightning bunny. look closely.

I crashed a random house party. I met this guy and appropriately referred to him as 'Bear Head.'

This was Last CX race of the season for me. And it was awesome!


Laura said...

ok what I want to know is what you said to Dante Cunningham...

watkins said...

Dude, I was thinking the same thing! Do tell.

Nick said...

Epic blog post, Annie! I love lightning bunny and color coordinating friends. :D