Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heart Aching Love

Today is an ode to love.

 Compliments of Le Love



I live for the kind of love and passion that makes your heart ache and sing at the same moment. When your head won't stop thinking and your heart won't stop pounding.
Do you have a love story, love quote or photo to share? Email me,  I would love to be inspired by and share your love...


Anonymous said...

Test test test

Anonymous said...

your posts on love triggered many a fond romantic memories within me. i have a trove of love letters that i will not share because they are secret treasures and guilty pleasures for my eyes only!

Annie Banannie said...

lol. You are so smart to have kept your love letters. I wish I still had some of mine - I would find a secret secret place and get love sick all over again when the mood hit!