Wednesday, September 29, 2010

In Review!

Another month has flown right past us! The September air always makes me feel nostalgic - maybe it is because September is a beauty of a month with hints of both summer and fall. Here are some of my favorite moments of the month, courtesy of my iPet. :-D

 Haircut with Sean at ENTRUST (ne pDX). He rocks.

 Morning walks with the Dog and Cat

Bike Lock Cozies!

 This bumper sticker makes me laugh every morning! I am so curious as to who's it is.

 Hiking into the clouds.

Dance Parties! I had a few of these this month :-)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New York Times Fame!

This past summer I had the great honor of being a part of my sister and brother in-law's wedding. You see, Sarah and Andy are sort of amazing. They are a kind, generous, intelligent, funny and very outgoing couple who love to experience life on bikes :-)    They are so amazing, in fact, that when the New York Times caught wind of their love story, they sent a photographer and reporter to the wedding for a full report.

What is even more fun is that Andy and Sarah thought it would be perfectly appropriate to ride away from the church on bikes after their official nuptials, wedding dress and all. I couldn't have a greed more, which was why I was more than delighted to be asked to decorate the bikes and be able to make a contribution to the fun.

The moment was caught on camera and made it into the front page of the New York Times Vows section. Read the full story here.

Well, now I am even more excited - because the NYT has decided to use the below picture of Andy and Sarah with their wedding get-away bikes in a  national promotion of their weekend coverage. 


Holla if you see Sarah and Andy's back sides on a news stand or the side of a bus!
Congratulations you crazy kids!

Friday, September 24, 2010


You may remember from my previous posting that I love to dance. I love to watch dancing too, which is why I was flabbergasted with joy when I found the show LXD: The League of Extraordinary Dancers. While the acting is not Tony worthy, and the plot could be better...the dancing is AMAZING. The LXD dancers seem to defy human capability and I can't get enough of it! Watch this trailer, and you will see what I mean.

P.S. If I were to to pick a dance style to perfect, it would definitely be Krumping. What about you? Robot? Ballet? Break Dancing?

LXD "Choices" Teaser from Jon M. Chu on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I see beauty everywhere, and every time I see it, it makes me smile. I see beauty in art, actions, nature, and people. While it may be superficial, it is true - when I look at a beautiful person I FEEL something; a stirring, a tug, a smirk bubbling up to my lips. There are a ton of  beautiful people out there (YOU!), but I thought I would share some of the peeps that I have been finding more than easy on the eyes as of late. Crush alert.

Gael Garcia Bernal

This is Kaya Scodelario of SKINS tv fame. If you haven't seen the show, skip to the third season and enjoy a trip back to adolescence.

Hello Hayden Christensen - the dark side always has its draws...

Katy Perry, I liked it too.

Joaquin Pheonix, please come back to us.

Boris Kodjoe - what makes him even more beautiful is his family. That is one proud papa. 

and last but not least, Keira.

Who do you find to be stunning?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Graffiti to make you smile!

Recently, I heard that a rogue graffiti artist painted fun Mario Cart symbols in a local Portland bike lane. While it was amusing to hear, little did I know how FUN it would be to actually ride in said bike lane!

The fun stars, mushrooms, banana peels and power strips made for an imaginative ride. I found myself giggling and pedaling away with glee. Which got me thinking....   While some graffiti is plain old annoying, there is a myriad of street art out there that is beautiful with the simple intention of putting a smile on our faces. I am so thankful for those talented people who tag with a positive spirit! Here are a few works of graffiti art that made me smile.

Do you have a favorite street artist, or example of street art? I would love to see it!

UPDATE: Here are some selections from readers, great finds!!

Burning Man Goddess-photo courtesy of Jessica & provided by Heather

House Face: From an alert reader who loves me, Brian

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Weekend!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with comfort and adventure! (No, those two things are not mutually exclusive.) I am going to:
watch some music

attempt my first long run of my marathon training, 

meet with my fellow Phat Cobra's, of cyclocross fame, for a training ride,

and hang with my super cute hubby who never takes pictures with a straight face. <3

What are YOU doing this weekend? If you are a GLEE fan like myself - check out these super cool behind the scenes photos from NYT Magazine. They are awesome!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I don't know about you, but when fall rolls around my first thoughts are about new wardrobes. The ritual of back-to-school shopping, although torturous at times, has stuck with me through the years.
This year I heard about a store I think I love - Zara. If you have one near you consider yourself lucky! Below are a few outfits I would love to get for my husband and I. Wouldn't we be cute?!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Loved It!

I love a good movie. The feeling of being engrossed in another person's utterly interesting life is, to put it mildly, awesome. The way the cinema can throw me into despair, or elate me to pure bliss is mind boggling. Here are snapshots a few of my favorite movies.

 Natural Born Killers:  I see angels, Mickey. They're comin' down for us from heaven. And I see you ridin' a big red horse, and you're driving them horses, whippin' 'em, and the're spitting and frothing all 'long the mouth, and the're coming right at us. And I see the future, and there's no death, 'cause you and I, we're angels...

The Incredibles

The Princess Bride

Donnie Darko


Slum Dog Millionaire

The Goonies: Heyyy youuu guuyyyys!!!

Kill Bill

American Beauty

The Sandlot:  Forrreeevvvverrr