Friday, September 3, 2010

Hooray for long Weekends!

Labor Day, the holiday of stress relief for us working folk,  is celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of the summer. Or for you fashionistas, the last weekend to wear white! I chose to practice this "last chance" tradition today. Doesn't my bike helmet look lovely?!

Labor day is often regarded as a day of rest and parties and sometimes, parades. Or you could be like this parade of bikini clad party-goers and do it all at once!

Labor Day marks the beginning of the NFL and college football seasons.

I cant wait to watch some of those fine looking fellas -such as heart throb, Mark Sanchez.

This weekend is also a race weekend for Mr. Adam Craig - a biker I am a BIG fan of. <3 Catch him on Mt. Hood, and wish him luck!

I hope you make the most of YOUR long weekend! I will be dancing, celebrating friends, and then attempting to climb to the tipity top of beautiful Mt. Adams.

lots of love!


Anonymous said...

Labor Day Weekend is a time when the "Pilgrims" come to Tahoe and we all celebrate the end of summer. After this weekend, we start our winter preparation chores like chopping and stacking wood and putting in snow stakes. My husband and I are going to have a relaxing float down the Truckee river and then hike a section of the Tahoe Rim Trail. I always see Labor Day as a bittersweet holiday - goodbye summer!

Anonymous said...

My bad. Adam is in Quebec this weekend. Next weekend is mt hood. But i love Summer!