Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Graffiti to make you smile!

Recently, I heard that a rogue graffiti artist painted fun Mario Cart symbols in a local Portland bike lane. While it was amusing to hear, little did I know how FUN it would be to actually ride in said bike lane!

The fun stars, mushrooms, banana peels and power strips made for an imaginative ride. I found myself giggling and pedaling away with glee. Which got me thinking....   While some graffiti is plain old annoying, there is a myriad of street art out there that is beautiful with the simple intention of putting a smile on our faces. I am so thankful for those talented people who tag with a positive spirit! Here are a few works of graffiti art that made me smile.

Do you have a favorite street artist, or example of street art? I would love to see it!

UPDATE: Here are some selections from readers, great finds!!

Burning Man Goddess-photo courtesy of Jessica & provided by Heather

House Face: From an alert reader who loves me, Brian


Anonymous said...

i love the stairs photo.

Annie Banannie said...

I know! Isn't it great? I had to look at it three times before my mind adjusted to the visual trickery!

Brian said...

This is a great use of graffiti!

Annie Banannie said...

Ohhhhh! I love the piano stairs! Fun and fitness all in one.
Thank you for sharing!