Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Loved It!

I love a good movie. The feeling of being engrossed in another person's utterly interesting life is, to put it mildly, awesome. The way the cinema can throw me into despair, or elate me to pure bliss is mind boggling. Here are snapshots a few of my favorite movies.

 Natural Born Killers:  I see angels, Mickey. They're comin' down for us from heaven. And I see you ridin' a big red horse, and you're driving them horses, whippin' 'em, and the're spitting and frothing all 'long the mouth, and the're coming right at us. And I see the future, and there's no death, 'cause you and I, we're angels...

The Incredibles

The Princess Bride

Donnie Darko


Slum Dog Millionaire

The Goonies: Heyyy youuu guuyyyys!!!

Kill Bill

American Beauty

The Sandlot:  Forrreeevvvverrr


Anonymous said...

I dont know if you have seen the Big Lebowski but I think it is one of the best movies of all time. One of the types of movies that you have to watch a million times to really appreciate the dialogue, the props and the subtle themes...

Annie Banannie said...

Who couldn't adore the DUde?! I love that movie too.... I think Jose is my favorite character.