Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New York Times Fame!

This past summer I had the great honor of being a part of my sister and brother in-law's wedding. You see, Sarah and Andy are sort of amazing. They are a kind, generous, intelligent, funny and very outgoing couple who love to experience life on bikes :-)    They are so amazing, in fact, that when the New York Times caught wind of their love story, they sent a photographer and reporter to the wedding for a full report.

What is even more fun is that Andy and Sarah thought it would be perfectly appropriate to ride away from the church on bikes after their official nuptials, wedding dress and all. I couldn't have a greed more, which was why I was more than delighted to be asked to decorate the bikes and be able to make a contribution to the fun.

The moment was caught on camera and made it into the front page of the New York Times Vows section. Read the full story here.

Well, now I am even more excited - because the NYT has decided to use the below picture of Andy and Sarah with their wedding get-away bikes in a  national promotion of their weekend coverage. 


Holla if you see Sarah and Andy's back sides on a news stand or the side of a bus!
Congratulations you crazy kids!


Laura said...

that's awesome!

Andrea Gregg said...

I love this and I love Ta Da! Thanks Annie

Annie Banannie said...

Aww. Thank you Andrea. :-)