Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tree Dreams

Tree Houses fascinate me. The fascination started when I was a child... oh to have a tree fort! My own personal space to design as I please away from my parents watching eye. I wanted one so badly. Even now, I think that tree houses are extremely beautiful, and comforting. It is like being in the womb of a forest.

 This place, Tree House Point, is in close!

 They call this a "Free Spirit Sphere." Doesn't it remind you of the Ewoks?!

 Japanese Lantern Lovliness

 This is a mirrored tree house, of Sweden Tree house fame.

 Beautiful and lovely in all seasons.

Architect Robert Harvey Oshatz has created this awesome, artistic piece of architecture in the woods of Portland, Oregon, for a client who’s love of music would be translated into a modern home. I am going to search for this!!

This tiny modern tree house is perched high in a Maple tree overlooking the Hudson River. the work of designers at Baumraum.
Did you have a tree house as a kid? Do you have a favorite tree house destination to share? Let us know!!


Anonymous said...

I love your ode to tree houses. i was always the type that would rather just climb a tree and nestle in its limbs with the sap, ants and birds. My favorite tree was named sylvia and a read many a book to her.... now, as an adult my house has a deck as high as the tree tops! its the closest thing to a tree house i ever had and i love it!

Annie Banannie said...

Oh to be in the tree tops! lucky.
I would always sing in trees, as if no one could hear me...

Thank you for sharing!